Adobe Acrobat SDK 8.0 のサンプルに付いていた「iac.bas」ソースの内容です。
Excel VBA からも使用出来ます。
C 言語で使う時は IAC.h の方を使用してください。
VB.NET から使う時は IAC.VB を使用して下さい。
001 Option Explicit
002 '★ここの説明は一部以下のURLのPDFにあります。
003 '★http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/obsolete/
004 ' info/adobe/devtechnotes/pdffiles/5165.vwiacref.PDF
006 ' Copyright (C) 1994-2003 Adobe Systems Incorporated
007 ' All rights reserved.
008 '
009 ' NOTICE: Adobe permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file
010 ' in accordance with the terms of the Adobe license agreement
011 ' accompanying it. If you have received this file from a source other
012 ' than Adobe, then your use, modification, or distribution of it
013 ' requires the prior written permission of Adobe.
014 '
015 ' ------------------------------------------------------------------
016 '
017 ' iac.bas
018 '
019 ' - This file contains enumerated data types and constants necessary
020 ' for some of the OLE method parameters. It is derived from the C
021 ' header file IAC.h
022 ''**************** AV Things ******************* ''
023 '* AV Application Preferences data type *'
024 '(Read only) The preferences file format version number.
025 Public Const avpPrefsVersion = 0 ' Int32
026 'If true, the “file open” dialog is displayed when
027 ' the Acrobat viewer is launched without a document to open.
028 ' If false, it does not.
029 Public Const avpOpenDialogAtStartup = 1 ' boolean
030 'If true, the Acrobat viewer splash screen is shown
032 ' when the Acrobat viewer is launched. If false, it is not.
033 Public Const avpShowSplashAtStartup = 2 ' boolean
034 'If true, the Acrobat viewer’s toolbar is displayed.
035 ' If false, it is not. The toolbar can also be shown and
036 ' hidden by the user.
037 Public Const avpShowToolBar = 3 ' boolean
038 'If true, the Acrobat viewer remembers the location of
039 ' certain dialogs (such as the Find dialog) and displays
040 ' them in their previous location. If false, they are
041 ' displayed in a default location.
042 Public Const avpRememberDialogs = 4 ' boolean
043 'If true, the Acrobat viewer displays short menus.
044 ' If false, it displays long menus.
045 Public Const avpShortMenus = 5 ' boolean
046 'Whether thumbnail images, bookmarks,
047 ' or neither should be shown along with documents by default.
048 ' Must be one of the following:
049 ' PDUseNone . Document only.
050 ' PDUseThumbs . Document plus thumbs.
051 ' PDUseBookmarks . Document plus bookmarks.
052 ' PDFullScreen . Full screen mode.
053 ' PDUseNone ドキュメント専用。
054 ' PDUseThumbs そのうえ、親指を記録してください。
055 ' PDUseBookmarks そのうえ、ブックマークを記録してください。
056 ' PDFullScreen Fullはモードを上映します。
057 Public Const avpDefaultOverviewType = 6 ' Int32
058 'Default magnification when a document is opened.
059 'ドキュメントであるときに、デフォルト倍率は開かれます。
060 Public Const avpDefaultZoomScale = 7 ' Fixed
061 'Default zoom type for a page view.
062 ' Must be one of the values listed in Zoom strategies.
063 Public Const avpDefaultZoomType = 8 ' Int32]
065 'If true, the Acrobat viewer displays large images.
066 ' If false, gray boxes are shown in place of large images,
067 ' reducing rendering time for pages with large images.
068 Public Const avpShowLargeImages = 
069 ;9 ' boolean
070 'If true, text smaller than avpGreekLevel is greeked
071 ' (displayed as gray boxes). If false, all text is drawn,
072 ' regardless of its size.
073 Public Const avpGreekText = 10 ' boolean
074 'Size, in points, below which text is greeked
075 ' if avpGreekText is true.
076 Public Const avpGreekLevel = 11 ' Int32
077 'Determines whether sans serif, serif, or both substitution
078 ' fonts are available when printing. Using only one
079 ' substitution font type generally reduces the quality of
080 ' font substitution, but may allow some files that require
081 ' font substitution to print on PostScript printers that
082 ' have very little memory. The allowed values are:
083 '0 . Use both sans serif and serif
084 '1 . Use sans serif only
085 '2. Use serif only
086 Public Const avpSubstituteFontType = 12 ' Int32
087 'If true, the Acrobat viewer renders using calibrated color.
088 Public Const avpDoCalibratedColor = 13 ' boolean
090 'If true, a warning dialog box is not displayed when
091 ' a user deletes notes, bookmarks, links, pages, or
092 ' thumbnails. If false, the dialog box is displayed.
093 Public Const avpSkipWarnings = 14 ' boolean
094 'The PostScript language level to use when printing
095 ' to a PostScript printer. Allowed values are 1 and 2.
096 Public Const avpPSLevel = 15 ' Int32
097 'If true, pages are shrunk to fit the imageable area
098 ' of the printer when printed. If false, pages are not
099 ' shrunk to fit.
100 Public Const avpShrinkToFit = 16 ' boolean
101 'If true, the Acrobat viewer’s Find command
102 ' (not the Search plug-in) performs case-sensitive searches.
103 ' If false, searches are not case-sensitive.
104 Public Const avpCaseSensitive = 17 ' boolean
105 'If true, the Acrobat viewer's Find command
106 ' (not the Search plug-in) matches only whole words.
107 ' If false, the partial words are also matched.
108 Public Const avpWholeWords = 18 ' boolean
109 'Default color to use for new notes.
110 Public Const avpNoteColor = 19 ' PDColorValue
111 'Default label to use for new notes.
112 Public Const avpNoteLabel = 20 ' char
113 'The maximum zoom factor that is automatically used when
114 ' the Acrobat viewer enters “Follow Article” mode.
115 ' A value of 1.0 corresponds to a zoom factor of 100%.
116 Public Const avpMaxThreadZoom = 21 ' Fixed
117 'If true, the following page is rendered offscreen while
118 ' the current page is viewed, improving performance when
119 ' a document is viewed sequentially. If false, no draw-ahead
120 ' is used.
121 Public Const avpEnablePageCache = 22 ' boolean
122 'The background color to use when the Acrobat viewer
123 ' is in Full Screen mode.
124 Public Const avpFullScreenColor = 23 ' PDColorValue
125 Public Const avpUnused1 = 24  
126 ; ' obsolete
127 'Maximum zoom factor at which pages will be cached.
128 ' Pages viewed at a higher zoom factor will not cached.
129 ' A value of 1.0 corresponds to a zoom factor of 100%.
130 ' Fixed: pages whose zoom > this will not be cached
131 Public Const avpMaxPageCacheZoom = 25
132 'The minimum number of ticks needed to redraw a page before
133 ' it will be cached. Pages that can be redrawn in less time
134 ' will not be cached. A tick is 1/60 of a second.
135 'Int32: pages which take < this to render will not be cached
136 Public Const avpMinPageCacheTicks = 26
137 'The maximum number of bytes the page cache is allowed to occupy.
138 'Int32: overall constraint on storage used by cache
139 Public Const avpMaxPageCacheBytes = 27
140 Public Const avpUnused2 = 28 ' obsolete
141 'Time (in seconds) to show each page when using
142 ' automatic page changing in full screen mode.
143 Public Const avpFullScreenChangeTimeDelay = 29 ' Int32
144 'If true, the document’s pages are displayed in a loop
145 ' (rather than just once) when using full screen mode.
146 ' If false, they are not.
147 Public Const avpFullScreenLoop = 30 ' boolean
148 'The scale at which thumbnail images are created.
149 ' The Acrobat viewer’s default is fixedEighth,
150 ' creating thumbnail images whose linear dimensions
151 ' are oneeighth those of the actual page.
152 Public Const avpThumbViewScale = 31 ' Fixed
153 Public Const avpThumbViewTimeout = 32 ' Int32
154 'Default destination fit type for creating
155 ' links and bookmarks.
156 Public Const avpDestFitType = 33 ' char
157 'If true, the default for creating new links and
158 ' bookmarks is “Inherit zoom”
159 Public Const avpDestZoomInherit = 34 ' boolean
160 'Int32 (Used on Macintosh only)
161 'Specifies the way in which highlighted text is to be
162 ' displayed. Can have one of the following values:
163 ' #define HIGHLIGHT_PAINT_XOR 0 .
164 ' Paint highlight color in XOR mode
165 ' #define HIGHLIGHT_INVERT_MAC 1 .
166 ' Invert in special Macintosh highlight
167 ' Mode
168 ' #define HIGHLIGHT_INVERT_XOR 2 .
169 ' Invert in XOR mode
170 ' This preference exists because the standard Macintosh
171 ' highlighting generally works quite well, but can
172 ' occasionally become invisible when text is on a
173 ' colored background.
174 Public Const avpHighlightMode = 35 ' Int32
175 'The default width (in pixels) of the portion of
176 ' the document window in which bookmarks and thumbnail
177 ' images are displayed. The actual width can be changed
178 ' by the user.
179 Public Const avpDefaultSplitterPos = 36 ' Int32
180 Public Const avpUnused3 = 37 ' obsolete
181 ' Int32: max # of bytes of Cos object cache per Cos doc.
182 Public Const avpMaxCosDocCache = 38
183 Public Const avpPageUnits = 39 >' PageUnits
186 Public Const avpNoteFontName = 40 ' char*
187 Public Const avpNoteFontSize = 41 ' Int32
188 Public Const avpRecentFile1 = 42 ' char *
189 Public Const avpRecentFile2 = 43 ' char *
190 Public Const avpRecentFile3 = 44 ' char *
191 Public Const avpRecentFile4 = 45 ' char *
192 Public Const avpHighlightColor = 46 ' PDColorValue
193 Public Const avpFullScreenUseTimer = 47 ' boolean
194 Public Const avpAntialiasText = 48 ' boolean
195 Public Const avpAntialiasLevel = 49 ' Int16
196 Public Const avpPersistentCacheSize = 50 ' Int32
197 Public Const avpPersistentCacheFolder = 51 ' ASPathName
198 Public Const avpPageViewLayoutMode = 52 ' PDLayoutMode
199 Public Const avpSaveAsLinearized = 53 ' boolean
200 Public Const avpMaxOpenDocuments = 54 ' Int32
201 Public Const avpTextSelectWordOrder = 55 ' Int32
202 Public Const avpMarkHiddenPages = 56 ' boolean
203 Public Const avpFullScreenTransitionType = 57 ' char*
204 Public Const avpFullScreenClick = 58 ' boolean
205 Public Const avpFullScreenEscape = 59 ' boolean
206 Public Const avpFullScreenCursor = 60 ' Int16
207 Public Const avpOpenInPlace = 61 ' boolean
208 Public Const avpShowHiddenAnnots = 62 ' boolean
209 Public Const avpFullScreenUsePageTiming = 63 ' boolean
210 Public Const avpDownloadEntireFile = 64 ' boolean
211 Public Const avpEmitHalftones = 65 ' boolean
212 Public Const avpShowMenuBar = 66 ' /*boolean*/
213 Public Const avpIgnorePageClip = 67 '/*boolean*/
214 Public Const avpMinimizeBookmarks = 68 '/* boolean*/
215 Public Const avpShowAnnotSequence = 69 '/*boolean*/
216 Public Const avpUseLogicalPageNumbers = 70 '/*boolean*/
217 '/*###cannot use via IAC*/
218 Public Const avpASExtensionDigCert = 71
219 Public Const avpShowLeftToolBar = 72 '/*boolean*/
220 Public Const avpConfirmOpenFile = 73 '/*boolean*/
221 '/*cannot use via IAC*/
222 Public Const avpNoteLabelEncoding = 74
223 Public Const avpBookmarkShowLocation = 75 '/*boolean*/
224 Public Const avpUseLocalF
225 onts = 76 '/*boolean*/
226 Public Const avpCurrCMM = 77 '/*char* */
227 Public Const avpBrowserIntegration = 78 '/*boolean*/
228 Public Const avpPrintAnnots = 79 '/*boolean */
229 Public Const avpSendFarEastFonts = 80 '/*boolean */
230 Public Const avpSuppressCSA = 81 '/*boolean */
231 '* AVZoomType -- Variable zoom "verbs",
232 ' corresponding to View menu items *'
233 ' no variable zoom - use this for XYZ zoom
234 Public Const AVZoomNoVary = 0
235 ' fit page to window
236 Public Const AVZoomFitPage = 1
237 ' fit page width to window
238 Public Const AVZoomFitWidth = 2
239 ' fit page height to window
240 Public Const AVZoomFitHeight = 3
241 ' fit visible width to window
242 Public Const AVZoomFitVisibleWidth = 4
243 '/* use page's preferred zoom */
244 Public Const AVZoomPreferred = 5
245 ' Open the document with tool bar visible
246 Public Const AV_EXTERNAL_VIEW = 1
247 ' Draw the page pane and scrollbars
248 Public Const AV_DOC_VIEW = 2
249 ' Draw only the page pane
250 Public Const AV_PAGE_VIEW = 4
251 '****************** PD Things ***********************'
252 '* PDPageMode -- Variable for how the file opens
253 ' - bookmarks, thumbnails, full screen, none *'
254 'Leave the view mode as it is.
255 Public Const PDDontCare = 0
256 'Display the document, but neither bookmarks nor
257 ' thumbnail images.
258 Public Const PDUseNone = 1
259 'Display the document and thumbnail images.
260 Public Const PDUseThumbs = 2
261 'Display the document and bookmarks.
262 Public Const PDUseBookmarks = 3
263 'Display the document in full screen mode.
264 Public Const PDFullScreen = 4
265 '* PDLayoutMode -- Variable for how the file is opened
266 ' - single page, one column, two column *'
267 Public Const PDLayoutDontCare = 0
268 Public Const PDLayoutSinglePage = 1
269 Public Const PDLayoutOneColumn = 2
270 Public Const PDLayoutTwoColumnLeft = 3
271 Public Const PDLayoutTwoColumnRight = 4
272 '* PDDocFlags -- used for Getting or
273 ' Setting the flags of a PD doc *'
274 '/* document has been modified and needs saving (get/set) */
275 Public Const PDDocNeedsSave = &H1
276 '/* document cannot be saved incrementally; must
277 ' be written with PDSaveFull. (get/set) */
278 Public Const PDDocRequiresFullSave = &H2
279 '/* document has been modified internally, such as
280 'opening/closing bookmarks and annotations, but
281 'not in such a way as to warrant saving.
282 '(get only)*/
283 Public Const PDDocIsModified = &H4
284 '/* document is based on a temporary file which must
285 'be deleted when the document is closed or saved.
286 '(get/set)*/
287 Public Const PDDocDeleteOnClose = &H8
288 '/* document was repaired when opened (get only) */
289 Public Const PDDocWasRepaired = &H10
290 '/* document major version newer than
291 current (get only) */
292 Public Const PDDocNewMajorVersion = &H20
293 '/* document minor version newer than current (get only) */
294 Public Const PDDocNewMinorVersion = &H40
295 '/* document version older than current (get only) */
296 Public Const PDDocOldVersion = &H80
297 '/* don't display errors (get/set) */
298 Public Const PDDocSuppressErrors = &H100
299 '/* document is embedded in a compound doc (OLE, OpenDoc) */
300 Public Const PDDocIsEmbedded = &H200
301 '/* document is linearized (get only) */
302 Public Const PDDocIsLinearized = &H400
303 '/* document is optimized */
304 Public Const PDDocIsOptimized = &H800
305 '* PDInsertFlags -- used for inserting pages *'
306 '' insert bookmarks as well as pages
307 Public Const PDInsertBookmarks = &H1
308 '' insert all Catalog and Info dict values as well as pages
309 Public Const PDInsertAll = &H1000
310 '/* insert articles as well */
311 Public Const PDInsertThreads = &H2
312 '* Page specification defines -- use where a page number
313 ' or range or count is required *'
314 Public Const PDBeforeFirstPage = -1 '
315 Public Const PDLastPage = -2 '
316 Public Const PDAllPages = -3 '
317 Public Const PDOddPagesOnly = -4 '
318 Public Const PDEvenPagesOnly = -5 '
319 '* PDSaveFlags -- used for PD-level Save
320 '* All undefined flags should be set to zero.
321 '* If either PDSaveCollectGarbage or PDSaveCopy
322 ' are used, PDSaveFull must be used.
323 ' write changes only
324 '(変更だけを書いてください)
325 Public Const PDSaveIncremental = &H0
326 ' write entire file
327 '(ファイル全体を書いてください)
328 Public Const PDSaveFull = &H1
329 'write copy w'o affecting current state
330 '(現状に影響するコピーw'oに書いてください)
331 Public Const PDSaveCopy = &H2
332 ' writes the file linearized for page-served
333 ' remote (net) access.
334 '(ページで役立たれたリモートな(ネットの)アクセサリーの
335 ' ためにlinearizedされたファイルを書きます。)
336 Public Const PDSaveLinearized = &H4
337 ' /* OK to store binary in file */
338 '(ファイルを2進蓄えるために、OKです)
339 Public Const PDSaveBinaryOK = &H10
340 ' perform garbage collection on unreferenced objects ''
341 '(参照されない物にガーベージコレクションを実行してください)
342 Public Const PDSaveCollectGarbage = &H20
343 '* Enum for routines that set/get the value of a page's Rotate key. *'
344 Public Const pdRotate0 = 0
345 Public Const pdRotate90 = 90
346 Public Const pdRotate180 = 180
347 Public Const pdRotate270 = 270
Highlight:プログラミング言語のソースコードを構文で色分け (GUI編)
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